Although restrictions on social life and interaction due to covid-19 remain in place, social relationships and contacts are gradually being restored to the classic, living form we know.
However, social anxiety disorder, or simply social anxiety disorder, is also reproduced online. The prerequisite seems to be the coexistence of individuals and exposure to them, regardless of the nature of communication.
But what is social stress? Social stress does not mean just being shy, it is something more important and long lasting. Social stress means being afraid to be ridiculed, judged and generally observed by people, to make an impression and that is negative.
It is divided into two categories. The first is called performance anxiety which is essentially about how a final public product such as a speech, song or play will be judged, how you eat and where you sit. The second concerns interpersonal interactions, such as talking to people or on the phone, expressing an opinion, having a job interview or a date.
Regarding the pathology of this anxiety, there are symptoms that indicate its existence and which are structured in three levels. Behavioral, physical and emotional symptoms. However, many times the diagnosis requires the administration of weighted psychometric tools by approved psychologists and psychotherapists.
- In behavior, it is often observed to avoid multiple exposures to social situations, either with the person remaining in the background of developments, or by always coming in friendly company or under the influence of alcohol, to the point where normal social activity is disrupted. and his life.
- Physically the symptoms of dizziness, bad breath, trembling, tachycardia of sweat are recorded.
- The coexisting emotions are the person to focus on himself and how he behaves in social situations, to have the fear of being judged by others or not to be noticed and to understand the fear he feels. There is a specific fear for the nature of social situations, but it gradually intensifies and extends to everyday life.
The article will close with the most important part, that of tips. Here are some tips that, combined, can offer relief from the emotions and alleviate the nature of the disorder.
- I identify the negative thoughts that accompany social situations
- I analyze and refute the above cases with real argument
- I focus my attention on others because the stress is not so visible on me, because I have to listen to what is being discussed and pay attention to the present moment. I release the pressure
- I control my breathing with self-regulating and steady inhalation-exhalation
- I tackle fear by fragmenting it into small, achievable and realistic goals. I make a coordinated social effort.
- Adopt a healthy lifestyle and follow a balanced and nutrient-rich diet, avoiding caffeine and smoking
- Of course, there should be a reference to the possible need for sessions with a psychotherapist and the use of social-cognitive therapy, social stories / role play, medication.
Author: Lucas Papageorgiou